Special Events: Throughout the year, we have a variety of events such as Town Hall Spring & Fall Cleaning, Annual Meeting and various potlucks.  We can always use help planning, setting up, etc…  If you like to cook or bake (or eat!), we need your help as most of these events involve food!  New ideas welcome!!

Stitch & Chat: Our Stitch and Chat ministry meets monthly and finds it is a wonderful opportunity to learn to knit or crochet, help each other with patterns, ideas and techniques, as well as to spend time in fellowship with other women of the congregation.  Due to the creative efforts of the members there is a whole shelf of prayer shawls and stoles safely stored in the church for distribution to folks who are ill or who have experienced a loss.  It is a physical sign of prayers that are lifted up on their behalf.  Those who have delivered shawls know how touched the recipients are that they have been thought of and remembered. The group also contributes shawls to A Woman's Place, baby blankets for Project Linus and children's sweaters for World Vision. If you would like to learn more about this caring ministry or to join the group, contact Sharon Shaw at 215-297-5248.  We gather monthly in the church parlor on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 7:30 - 9:00 PM.  

Vacation Bible School (VBS): Every summer, we embark on a new week-long adventure!  VBS is open to children preschool thru 6th grade.  Enthusiastic volunteers needed to help plan and run VBS.  We need help ahead of time planning for the week’s events, and we need lots of folks to help during that week in the classes.  Guaranteed fun for all!!  Contact: Susan Lyle Casile.   * All volunteers that work with children must have all state required clearances on file with the church office prior to volunteering.  Click here to review the Synod's directions on required clearances.